Sunderland's proud history encompasses its beginnings as a major centre of religious learning in the early medieval period and its growth into a major port and shipbuilding centre on the mouth of the River Wear. Today, the city and the surrounding Wearside area is a major centre of car manufacturing and other industries in the North East. In this book author Steve Watson investigates the rich supernatural heritage of this city and the surrounding Wearside area, not only the well-known phenomena but also lesser-known hauntings from the past and present day, including ghostly happenings at the North East Land Sea and Air Museum on the site of an old airfield near Washington and mysterious sightings at the Phoenix Lodge, the oldest purpose-built Masonic lodge in the world, and many more. Paranormal Sunderland takes the reader into the world of ghosts and spirits in the city, following their footsteps into the unknown. These tales of haunted places, supernatural happenings and weird phenomena will delight the ghost hunters and intrigue everybody who knows Sunderland and Wearside. Steve Watson
Paranormal Sunderland ( 9781398110519 )