A unique coming-of-age story with a jaw-dropping secret at its heart, Scavengers is an unforgettable, contemporary twist on The Jungle Book meets Stig of the Dump. "Extraordinary...a hugely compassionate and sophisticated novel about inclusion and exclusion." - The Observer"Stayed with me long after I finished it...a hard-to-put-down tale of tweenage derring-do." - The GuardianA Guardian/Observer Best Book of the YearNominated for the Northern Ireland Book AwardA School Librarian Best Book by a Debut AuthorSelected for the Summer Reading Challenge Selected for Empathy Lab's Read for Empathy CollectionLandfill has lived his whole life as a scavenger, running with wooflings, swimming with turtles and feasting on whatever he can catch. Old Babagoo has always looked after him, on one condition. Follow Babagoo's rules. And the most important rule of all is NEVER go beyond the wall. But Landfill longs to venture Outside. And some rules are made to be broken. Darren Simpson's exhilarating storytelling will make you think about the world differently in this urgent, compelling tale for our times. Darren Simpson
Scavengers ( 9781474956024 )